Sai-Village Tourism Association
1F, 112 Oosai, Sai-Village, Aomori 039-4711
Phone 0175-38-4515
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HOMEHistory/CultureYanonemori-hachimangu Shrine

Yanonemori-hachimangu Shrine

On the low hill that divides Kosai Area and Osai Area sits Yanonemori -hachimangu Shrine, commonly known as “Hachiman-sama”.
When it was founded is not confirmed, but the record in the shrine says around 1062.
The enshrined gods include Hondawakeno-mikoto and Tsukuyomi, and this shrine is believed to give a wide range of benefits - luck in battles, protection against bad luck, safety on the ocean, as well as support for ocean travel and fishery.
There is a Jomon Era ruin in the property, and many Yanoneishi (stone arrowheads) and potteries have been unearthed.
You can see those items in Straits Museum on the 2nd floor of Tsugaru Straits Cultural Museum Arusas.
Annual festival of Yanonemori -hachimangu Shrine, held on September 14 – 16 every year, is a grand festival, believed to start in 1696 with the lineage of Gion Matsuri Festival of Kyoto, brought to this region via Kitamae Ferries.

Parking None (Please use the parking lots at Arusas.)

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